Home Productivity To choose them well, classify your Tasks according to the Attention or Energy they require from you.

To choose them well, classify your Tasks according to the Attention or Energy they require from you.

To choose them well, classify your Tasks according to the Attention or Energy they require from you.

In the midst of 2023, many of us continue to look for small details to improve what we do and what we achieve. Many are still looking for that “magic app” that fixes everything. You should look inside yourself and know that our EnergEnergyAttention has limited resources. To be truly effective, we must carefully choose where we invest more or less of both. The ability to manage intensity and fatigue is part of daily success. That’s part of working smart.

Attention and Energy, energy pieces

Our Energy and Attention levels define our ability to achieve big goals or move forward in our week. It’s not about how much we run or the emergencies we “solve.” Instead of looking for the answer in sophisticated applications or tools, it is time to recognize that the key to good productivity lies in the proper management and investment of our Attention and Energy.

Choose tasks based on your current levels.

One of the keys to optimizing our productivity is knowing our biorhythms and Attention-Energy levels. In other words, understand what times of day we perform best. Each person has higher and lower energy periods throughout the day, so it is essential to know how to identify those moments of maximum productivity and make the most of them.

As “Knowledge Workers,” we constantly depend on our mental and physical level. If you consider that when choosing tasks, it will only cost more to create, innovate, and build.

We can distribute our tasks intelligently once we know our rhythms and Energy levels. It is essential to properly place and choose tasks based on the required Energy and Attention. The daily benefits are tremendous:

Better than putting “Priority 1–2–3”

Classifying tasks like this is better than doing it with the typical “Priority 1–2–3”. This system raises several problems, among others:

  • Lack of focus on energy and attention required. You may assign high-priority tasks to times when you need more energy orEnergytion to carry them out effectively. And the consequence is that you will do them in the worst possible conditions.
  • Difficulty setting clear priorities. Classifying priorities 1–2–3 can be ambiguous and subjective. Determining which tasks should have the highest priority and which are less critical can be challenging.
  • Rigidity in planning. Once priorities are set, adapting ranges or fluctuations in available energy and energy is problematic. This can lead to situations where low-priority tasks continue to be performed even when it would be more beneficial to tackle tasks that better fit one’s current state of energy anEnergyntion.

Attention-Energy in your system

And how do you bring this idea to real life? When writing down your tasks (in your notebook or app), add the level of Energy and Attention they require. In other words, classify and organize them based on those two criteria.

  • If you use an agenda or notebook, you can add it with a color, icon, or symbol.
  • And if you use an application, it is easy to classify them using tags.

Yes, it is a bit extra work, an extra detail many overlook, but that represents a gigantic advantage because it allows you to choose the task for each moment better according to your physical and mental state.

Remember to pay attention to the importance of your task tool and organization system in your overall performance. Fine-tuning, improving, and, if necessary, updating your task management system is vital to keeping your productivity in shape. As you evolve and grow or take on new projects and your workload increases, ensuring your task tool/system adapts to your changing needs is critical.